As used in this section, “rule” has the same meaning as in section 121.71 of the Revised Code and also includes the rescission of an existing rule.
(A) When an agency files the original or a revised version of a rule in proposed form under division (D) of section 111.15 or division (H) of section 119.03, or a rule for review under section 119.032 of the Revised Code, that incorporates a text or other material by reference, the agency also shall file in electronic form, one complete and accurate copy of the text or other material incorporated by reference with the joint committee on agency rule review. An agency is not, however, required to file a text or other material incorporated by reference with the joint committee if the agency revises a rule in proposed form that incorporates a text or other material by reference and the incorporation by reference in the revised version of the rule is identical to the incorporation by reference in the preceding version of the rule.
If it is infeasible for the agency to file a text or other material incorporated by reference electronically, the agency, as soon as possible, but not later than three days after completing the electronic filing, shall deliver one complete and accurate copy of the text or other material incorporated by reference to the joint committee, and shall attach a memorandum to the text or other material identifying the filing to which it relates.
An agency is not required to file a text or other material incorporated by reference into a rule that is proposed for rescission if it is infeasible for the agency to do so.
An agency shall not file a copy of a text or other material incorporated by reference with the secretary of state or with the director of the legislative service commission.
(B) Upon completing its review of a rule in proposed form, or its review of a rule, that incorporates a text or other material by reference, the joint committee shall forward its copy of the text or other material incorporated by reference to the director of the legislative service commission. The director shall maintain a file of texts and other materials that are or were incorporated by reference into rules.
Effective Date: 09-17-2002