(A) The clean Ohio revitalization fund is hereby created in the state treasury. The fund shall consist of moneys credited to it pursuant to section 151.40 of the Revised Code. Moneys in the fund shall be used to make grants or loans for projects that have been approved by the clean Ohio council in accordance with section 122.653 of the Revised Code, except that the council annually shall devote twenty per cent of the net proceeds of obligations deposited in the clean Ohio revitalization fund for the purposes of section 122.656 of the Revised Code.
Moneys in the clean Ohio revitalization fund may be used to pay reasonable costs incurred by the department of development and the environmental protection agency in administering sections 122.65 to 122.658 of the Revised Code. All investment earnings of the fund shall be credited to the fund. Investment earnings credited to the clean Ohio revitalization fund may be used to pay costs incurred by the department of development and the environmental protection agency pursuant to sections 122.65 to 122.658 of the Revised Code.
The department of development shall administer the clean Ohio revitalization fund in accordance with this section, policies and requirements established under section 122.657 of the Revised Code, and the terms of agreements entered into by the council under section 122.653 of the Revised Code.
(B) Grants awarded and loans made under section 122.653 of the Revised Code shall provide not more than seventy-five per cent of the estimated total cost of a project. A grant or loan to any one project shall not exceed three million dollars. An applicant shall provide at least twenty-five per cent of the estimated total cost of a project. The applicant’s share may consist of one or a combination of any of the following:
(1) Payment of the cost of acquiring the property for the purposes of sections 122.65 to 122.658 of the Revised Code;
(2) Payment of the reasonable cost of an assessment at the property;
(3) The reasonable value, as determined by the council, of labor and materials that will be contributed by the applicant in performing the cleanup or remediation;
(4) Moneys received by the applicant in any form for use in performing the cleanup or remediation;
(5) Loans secured by the applicant for the purpose of the cleanup or remediation of the brownfield.
Costs that were incurred more than two years prior to the submission of an application to the clean Ohio council for the acquisition of property, assessments, and labor and materials shall not be used as part of the applicant’s matching share.
(C) The department of development shall not make any payment to an applicant from the clean Ohio revitalization fund to pay costs of the applicant that were not included in an application for a grant or loan under section 122.653 of the Revised Code or that exceed the amount of the estimated total cost of the project included in the application. If, upon completion of a project, the costs of the project are less than the amounts included in the application, the amounts included in the application less the amounts of the actual costs of the project shall be credited to the clean Ohio revitalization fund. However, the amounts credited shall be equivalent in percentage to the percentage of the costs of the project that were to be funded by the grant or loan from the fund.
(D) Grants awarded or loans made under section 122.653 of the Revised Code from the clean Ohio revitalization fund shall be used by an applicant only to pay the costs of the actual cleanup or remediation of a brownfield and shall not be used by an applicant to pay any administrative costs incurred by the applicant. Costs related to the use of a certified professional for purposes of section 122.654 of the Revised Code are not administrative costs and may be paid with moneys from grants awarded or loans made under section 122.653 of the Revised Code.
(E) The portion of net proceeds of obligations devoted under division (A) of this section for the purposes of section 122.656 of the Revised Code shall be used to make grants for assessments, cleanup or remediation of brownfields, and public health projects that have been approved by the director of development under that section. The department of development shall administer section 122.656 of the Revised Code in accordance with this section, policies and requirements established under section 122.657 of the Revised Code, and the terms of agreements entered into by the director under section 122.656 of the Revised Code. The director shall not grant more than twenty-five million dollars for public health projects under section 122.656 of the Revised Code.
(F) Grants awarded under section 122.656 of the Revised Code shall be used by an applicant only to pay the costs of actually conducting an assessment, a cleanup or remediation of a brownfield, or a public health project and shall not be used by an applicant to pay any administrative costs incurred by the applicant. Costs related to the use of a certified professional for purposes of section 122.654 of the Revised Code are not administrative costs and may be paid with moneys from grants awarded under section 122.656 of the Revised Code.
(G)(1) The clean Ohio revitalization revolving loan fund is hereby created in the state treasury. Payments of principal and interest on loans made from the clean Ohio revitalization fund shall be credited to this revolving loan fund, as shall payments of principal and interest on loans made from the revolving loan fund itself. The revolving loan fund’s investment earnings shall be credited to it.
(2) The clean Ohio revitalization revolving loan fund shall be used to make loans for the same purposes and subject to the same policies, requirements, criteria, and application procedures as loans made from the clean Ohio revitalization fund.
Effective Date: 06-26-2003