(A)(1) Each state agency that is supported in whole or in part by nongeneral revenue fund money and that occupies space in the James A. Rhodes or Frank J. Lausche state office tower, Toledo government center, Senator Oliver R. Ocasek government office building, Vern Riffe center for government and the arts, state of Ohio computer center, capitol square, or governor’s mansion shall reimburse the general revenue fund for the cost of occupying the space in the ratio that the occupied space in each facility attributable to the nongeneral revenue fund money bears to the total space occupied by the state agency in the facility.
(2) All agencies that occupy space in the old blind school or that occupy warehouse space in the general services facility shall reimburse the department of administrative services for the cost of occupying the space. The director of administrative services shall determine the amount of debt service, if any, to be charged to building tenants and shall collect reimbursements for it.
(3) Each agency that is supported in whole or in part by nongeneral revenue fund money and that occupies space in any other facility or facilities owned and maintained by the department of administrative services or space in the general services facility other than warehouse space shall reimburse the department for the cost of occupying the space, including debt service, if any, in the ratio that the occupied space in each facility attributable to the nongeneral revenue fund money bears to the total space occupied by the state agency in the facility.
(B) The director of administrative services may provide building maintenance services and skilled trades services to any state agency occupying space in a facility that is not owned by the department of administrative services and may collect reimbursements for the cost of providing those services.
(C) All money collected by the department of administrative services for operating expenses of facilities owned or maintained by the department shall be deposited into the state treasury to the credit of the building management fund, which is hereby created. All money collected by the department for skilled trades services shall be deposited into the state treasury to the credit of the skilled trades fund, which is hereby created. All money collected for debt service shall be deposited into the general revenue fund.
(D) The director of administrative services shall determine the reimbursable cost of space in state-owned or state-leased facilities and shall collect reimbursements for that cost.
Effective Date: 06-30-1999; 05-06-2005