Whenever, pursuant to section 126.06 of the Revised Code, the department of administrative services files with the director of budget and management its estimate of proposed expenditures for the succeeding biennium, the department shall request, and the director of budget and management shall approve the request for, the following general revenue fund appropriations for operating the construction compliance section of the equal employment opportunity office of the department of administrative services:
(A) For the first fiscal year of the biennium, an appropriation equal to fifty-three one-thousandths of one per cent of the total new capital appropriations provided for in the most recently enacted main capital appropriations act;
(B) For the second fiscal year of the biennium, an appropriation equal to the amount computed under division (A) of this section, adjusted for anticipated changes in operating costs based upon the inflation/deflation factor used by the director of budget and management for that fiscal year.
The amounts of the appropriations requested pursuant to divisions (A) and (B) of this section shall be in addition to the amounts provided for staff in the construction compliance section as of January 1, 1988.
Effective Date: 03-29-1988