The total operating fund consists of all funds in the state treasury except the auto registration distribution fund, development bond retirement fund, facilities establishment fund, gasoline excise tax fund, higher education improvement fund, highway improvement bond retirement fund, highway obligations bond retirement fund, highway capital improvement fund, improvements bond retirement fund, mental health facilities improvement fund, parks and recreation improvement fund, public improvements bond retirement fund, school district income tax fund, state agency facilities improvement fund, state and local government highway distribution fund, state highway safety fund, Vietnam conflict compensation fund, any other fund determined by the director of budget and management to be a bond fund or bond retirement fund, and such portion of the highway operating fund as is determined by the director of budget and management and the director of transportation to be restricted by Section 5a of Article XII, Ohio Constitution.
When determining the availability of money in the total operating fund to pay claims chargeable to a fund contained within the total operating fund, the director of budget and management shall use the same procedures and criteria the director employs in determining the availability of money in a fund contained within the total operating fund. The director may establish limits on the negative cash balance of the general revenue fund within the total operating fund, but in no case shall the negative cash balance of the general revenue fund exceed ten per cent of the total revenue of the general revenue fund in the preceding fiscal year.
Effective Date: 06-30-2000