In case there is more than one bid or proposal to take all or any portion of the certificates to be issued at a rate equal to each other, and equally advantageous to the state, the board of commissioners of the sinking fund shall apportion the amount equally among the parties making such bids or proposals. Whenever certificates of the bonded debt of the state, to be issued to pay outstanding bonds, and which bear a rate of interest not exceeding four per cent per annum, can be sold at a price equal to or greater than the par value thereof, or exchanged for an equivalent amount at its par value of the then outstanding bonded debt of the state, the board may sell or exchange such certificates or any part thereof without advertising for bids or proposals, and at any place where such sale or exchange can be effected. The board may adopt such regulations in relation to the form of acceptance of bids or proposals as it deems advantageous to the state.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953