(A) No moneys shall be transferred between funds or between state agencies on an intrastate transfer voucher, or by any other procedure, unless such a transfer is a payment for goods or services or unless such a transfer is required or authorized by law.
(B) Any state agency that has provided goods or services to another state agency may, if the providing agency does not receive payment from the receiving agency within thirty days after delivering the goods or services and submitting an invoice requesting payment for them, certify to the director of budget and management that the goods or services have been delivered and the amount that is due for them. If the director determines that all or part of the certified amount should have been paid by the receiving agency and that the receiving agency has an unobligated balance in an appropriation for the payment, he may transfer the amount that should have been paid from the appropriate fund of the receiving agency to the appropriate fund of the providing agency on an intrastate transfer voucher.
Effective Date: 03-29-1988