Whenever any deposit or investment acquired under section 135.35 of the Revised Code matures and becomes due and payable, the investing authority shall present it for payment according to its terms and shall collect the moneys payable thereon, provided that the principal may be reinvested without withdrawal. The money so collected shall be public moneys.
Whenever the board of county commissioners, county treasurer, or the investing authority determines that the actual amount of active moneys available is insufficient to meet the anticipated demands upon the treasury, the investing authority shall sell or liquidate such deposits or investments in an amount sufficient to meet such demands, and deposit such moneys in an active moneys deposit account. No deposit or investment so sold may be sold for less than the current market value. Neither the investing authority nor members of the board shall be held accountable for any loss occasioned by sale or liquidation of deposits or investments. Any loss or expense caused by such sale is payable as other expenses of the county.
Effective Date: 03-15-1982