(A) An officer, board, or other authority of the state, a county, township, municipal corporation, or school district, or of any public institution belonging thereto, authorized to contract for the erection, repair, alteration, or rebuilding of a public building, institution, bridge, culvert, or improvement and required by law to advertise and receive bids for furnishing of materials and doing the work necessary for the erection thereof, shall require separate and distinct bids to be made for furnishing such materials or doing such work, or both, in their discretion, for each of the following branches or classes of work to be performed, and all work kindred thereto, entering into the improvement:
(1) Plumbing and gas fitting;
(2) Steam and hot-water heating, ventilating apparatus, and steam-power plant;
(3) Electrical equipment.
(B) A public authority is not required to solicit separate bids for a branch or class of work specified in division (A) of this section for an improvement if the estimated cost for that branch or class of work is less than five thousand dollars.
Effective Date: 03-18-1999