Any governmental agency may enter into an agreement with the commission permitting the commission to use for purposes of the commission any property in the use of such governmental agency or under its control upon such terms and conditions as they may mutually agree upon, provided only that the consent of the governing body of such governmental agency shall be obtained, and if title to such property is in the name of the state the consent of the governor also shall be obtained. The agreement shall specify the boundaries of any land to which it pertains. Such agreement shall be irrevocable so long as obligations issued under Chapter 154. of the Revised Code to pay costs of capital facilities on the land referred to in that agreement are outstanding. Such agreement may provide that the plans and specifications for the capital facilities to be constructed on any property to which the permission relates are subject to approval by the governmental agency granting that permission, or by such officer, board, or other body designated by it in or pursuant to such agreement, prior to advertisement for bids for such construction or by such other time therein provided.
Effective Date: 09-14-2000