(A) The director of development, with the approval of the controlling board and subject to the other applicable provisions of this chapter, may lend money in the logistics and distribution infrastructure fund and the logistics and distribution infrastructure taxable bond fund to persons for the purpose of paying allowable costs of eligible logistics and distribution projects.
(B) In determining the eligible logistics and distribution projects to be assisted and the nature, amount, and terms of assistance to be provided for an eligible logistics and distribution project, the director shall consult with appropriate governmental agencies, including the department of transportation and the Ohio rail development commission.
(C)(1) The director shall submit to the development financing advisory council the terms of the proposed assistance to be provided for an eligible logistics and distribution project and such other relevant information as the council may request.
(2) The council, on the basis of such information, shall make recommendations as to the appropriateness of the assistance to be provided. The recommendations may be revised to reflect any changes in the proposed assistance the director may submit to the council.
(3) The director shall submit the terms of the proposed assistance to be provided, along with the recommendations, as amended, of the council as to the appropriateness of the proposed assistance, to the controlling board.
(D) Any loan made pursuant to this section shall be evidenced by a loan agreement, which shall contain such terms as the director determines necessary or appropriate, including performance measures and reporting requirements. The director may take actions necessary or appropriate to collect or otherwise deal with any loan made under this section, including requiring a loan recipient to repay the amount of the loan plus interest at a rate of three per cent above the federal short term interest rate or any other rate determined by the director.
Amended by 128th General Assembly File No. 9, HB 1, § 101.01, eff. 7/17/2009.
Effective Date: 2008 HB554 06-12-2008