The department of aging shall, as appropriate and feasible and to the extent federal, state, and local funding is available, develop a system of community multipurpose senior centers for the purposes of:
(A) Providing centralized, coordinated medical, social, supportive, and rehabilitative services to older adults;
(B) Encouraging older adults to maintain physical, social, and emotional well-being and to live dignified and reasonably independent lives in their own homes;
(C) Diminishing the rate of inappropriate entry and placement of older adults in nursing homes, sheltered housing for older adults, and related facilities.
The department shall, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, adopt rules under which counties, townships, municipal corporations, or local nonprofit organizations may make application to the department to operate a multipurpose senior center or to participate in a multipurpose senior center program. Procedures shall be established for the maximum feasible participation by older adults and representatives of organizations of older adults in the planning of these programs. The area agency on aging, established under the “Older Americans Act of 1965,” 79 Stat. 219, 42 U.S.C. 3001, as amended, shall be given the opportunity to review and comment on all applications for the establishment of a center or the expansion of the scope of services provided by a senior center operated as part of the social services system under the agency’s area plan.
The department shall plan, coordinate, and monitor, and, to the extent feasible, provide funds for services for older adults under this section and section 173.12 of the Revised Code. In order to carry out the purposes of such sections, the department or the designated local entity may accept gifts and grants and enter into contracts for the purchase of services.
The multipurpose senior centers shall be centrally located and easily accessible to any public transportation available in such location. The centers may provide transportation for older adults who wish to utilize services available in the facility, but are unable to reach it because of the lack of financial resources or physical impairment. Centers shall be designed to provide ease of access and use considering the infirmities of frail and handicapped older adults. Special safety features shall be provided as unobtrusively as possible. In establishing the location of multipurpose senior centers, the department shall, to the extent feasible, give precedence to the use of existing buildings and facilities, which may be renovated, over the construction of new buildings and facilities.
Effective Date: 07-26-1984