Ohio’s public health priorities trust fund is hereby created in the state treasury. Money credited to the fund shall be used for the following purposes:
(A) Minority health programs, on which not less than twenty-five per cent of the annual appropriations from the trust fund shall be expended;
(B) Enforcing section 2927.02 of the Revised Code;
(C) Alcohol and drug abuse treatment and prevention programs, including programs for adult and juvenile offenders in state institutions and aftercare programs;
(D) A non-entitlement program funded through the department of health to provide emergency assistance consisting of medication, oxygen, or both to seniors whose health has been adversely affected by tobacco use and whose income does not exceed one hundred per cent of the federal poverty guidelines, on which five per cent of the annual appropriations from the trust fund shall be expended. However, if federal funding becomes available for this purpose, the department shall utilize the federal funding and the appropriations from the trust fund shall be used for the other purposes authorized by this section. If the federal program requires seniors described by this division to pay a premium or copayment to obtain medication or oxygen, the director of health shall recommend to the general assembly whether this division’s set-aside of five per cent of the appropriations from the trust fund should be used to pay such premiums or copayments. As used in this division, “federal poverty guidelines” has the same meaning as in section 5101.46 of the Revised Code.
(E) Partial reimbursement, on a county basis, of hospitals, free medical clinics, and similar organizations or programs that provide free, uncompensated care to the general public, and of counties that pay private entities to provide such care using revenue from a property tax levied at least in part for that purpose.
All investment earnings of the fund shall be credited to the fund.
Effective Date: 06-02-2000; 08-27-2004