(A) A savings and loan association may provide in its constitution and bylaws for the time and terms of its dissolution and for its consolidation with other such associations on terms to be determined upon by its board of directors. In case of the dissolution of such an association, its board of directors, by a majority vote of its members, may be authorized to sell and transfer its mortgage securities or other property, or both, to another corporation or person, subject to the vested and accrued rights of the mortgagors.
(B) A savings and loan association may provide for its consolidation with a holding company affiliate on terms to be determined by its board of directors, provided that the superintendent of savings and loan associations determines that the rights of all interested parties are protected and approves the consolidation. The superintendent shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code setting forth criteria that must be met for a consolidation of a savings and loan association and a holding company affiliate.
(C) For purposes of this section, “holding company affiliate” means a savings and loan holding company of which a savings and loan association is a subsidiary and any other subsidiary of such holding company other than a subsidiary of such association.
Effective Date: 07-14-1987