When a certificate, signed by the president, secretary, or treasurer of an incorporated savings bank, is transmitted to the superintendent of savings banks notifying him that the required amount of capital stock of the corporation is subscribed and paid in and that the corporation has complied with all the provisions of law required before it can be authorized to commence business, the superintendent shall examine its affairs and ascertain especially the amount of money paid in on account of its capital, the name and place of residence of each director, the amount of capital stock paid in of which each director is the owner in good faith, the financial condition of the corporation, the adequacy of its capital, its future earnings prospects, the general character of its management, the convenience and needs of the community to be served, and whether the corporation has complied with all the provisions of law required to entitle it to engage in business. If upon the examination of these and any other facts which may come to his knowledge, the superintendent finds that the corporation is entitled to commence business, he shall give it a certificate under his hand and official seal that it has complied with all the requirements of law and is authorized to commence business. The superintendent shall not issue the certificate or certify to the secretary of state that the corporation is entitled to commence business if upon the examination the superintendent has reason to believe that the accounts of the savings bank will not be insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation upon the commencement of business.
Effective Date: 10-23-1991