(A) There is hereby created a savings and loan associations and savings banks board which shall consist of seven members. The deputy superintendent for savings and loan associations and savings banks shall be a member of the board and its chairperson and executive head. The governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint the remaining six members.
(B) After the second Monday in January of each year, the governor shall appoint two members. Terms of office shall be for three years commencing on the first day of February and ending on the thirty-first day of January. Each member shall hold office from the date of appointment until the end of the term for which the member was appointed. In the case of a vacancy in the office of any such member, the governor shall appoint a successor who shall hold office for the remainder of the term for which the successor’s predecessor was appointed. Any member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the member’s term until the member’s successor takes office, or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first.
(C) No person appointed as a member of such board may serve more than two full consecutive terms. However, a member may serve two full consecutive terms following the remainder of a term for which the member was appointed to fill a vacancy.
(D)(1) At least two of the six appointive members of the savings and loan associations and savings banks board shall have had savings and loan association experience in a savings and loan association organized and transacting business under authority granted by the superintendent of financial institutions.
(2) At least two of the six appointive members of the savings and loan associations and savings banks board shall have had savings banks experience in a savings bank organized and transacting business under authority granted by the superintendent.
(E) No person who has been convicted of, or pleaded guilty to, a felony involving dishonesty or breach of trust shall take or hold office as a member of the savings and loan associations and savings banks board.
(F) The members of the board shall receive no salary, but their expenses incurred in the performance of their duties shall be paid from funds appropriated for that purpose.
(G) The governor may remove any of the six members appointed to the board whenever in the governor’s judgment the public interest requires removal. Upon removing a member of the board, the governor shall file with the superintendent a statement of the cause for removal.
(H)(1) The savings and loan associations and savings banks board shall hold regular meetings at such times and places as it fixes, but at least once every six months, and shall meet at any time on call of the deputy superintendent for savings and loan associations and savings banks upon two days’ notice unless the board by resolution provides for a shorter notice.
(2) A majority of the full board constitutes a quorum and action taken by a majority of those present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the action of the board.
(3) No member shall participate in a proceeding before the board involving any savings and loan association or savings bank of which the member is or was at any time in the preceding twelve months a member of the board of directors, officer, employee, or stockholder. A member may disqualify himself or herself from participating in a proceeding for any other cause deemed by the member to be sufficient.
(4) The board may, by a majority vote of those present at a meeting at which there is a quorum, adopt and amend bylaws and rules the board, in its judgment, considers necessary and proper. It shall select one of its members as secretary, who shall keep a record of all its proceedings.
(I) Neither the deputy superintendent for savings and loan associations and savings banks, nor any other member of the savings and loan associations and savings banks board, shall be liable, in any civil or criminal action or proceeding, for any mistake of judgment or discretion in any action taken, or in any omission made, by the deputy superintendent or other member in good faith.
Effective Date: 09-22-2000