Any person who performs labor or work or furnishes material, for the construction, alteration, or repair of any street, turnpike, road, sidewalk, way, drain, ditch, or sewer by virtue of a private contract between the person and the owner, part owner, or lessee of lands upon which the same may be constructed, altered, or repaired, or of lands abutting thereon, or as subcontractor, laborer, or material supplier, performs labor or work or furnishes material to such original contractor or to any subcontractor in carrying forward or completing such contract, has a lien for the payment thereof against the lands of the owner, part owner, or lessee, upon which the street, turnpike, road, sidewalk, way, drain, or sewer is constructed or upon which any such street, turnpike, road, sidewalk, way, drain, ditch, or sewer abuts, as provided in section 1311.02 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 04-10-1991; 03-30-2007