A keeper or owner of any stallion, jack, or registered pure-bred bull may enforce his lien for service by replevin of the property before any county or municipal court having territorial jurisdiction where it is found. Upon gaining possession thereof, on first giving ten days’ notice to the reputed owner of his intention to do so, he may sell it at public sale after two weeks’ notice of the time and place of sale by notices posted in five conspicuous and public places in the township or municipal corporation where proceedings in replevin are had.
Out of the proceeds of sale such keeper or owner may retain the amount due him for such service, with the costs by him incurred in the replevin suit. He must account to the owner of the get for any surplus realized by the sale. When payment is made to him, or his agent, for any such get, the owner of any such stallion, jack, or bull shall deliver to the payee a receipt in full for the amount thereof, and stating for what paid.
Effective Date: 02-14-1967