The owner of an aircraft that is subject to a lien that is perfected pursuant to section 1311.73 of the Revised Code may release his aircraft from the lien by filing with a court having jurisdiction in the county in which the labor that is the basis of the lien was performed or the materials that are the basis of the lien were furnished, a bond, payable to the lien claimant, for the full amount owed to the lien claimant as stated in an affidavit filed pursuant to section 1311.73 of the Revised Code for the labor or materials, and conditioned for the payment of any judgment that may be recovered on the lien, with costs.
All bonds filed pursuant to this section shall be executed by a corporate surety licensed by the state and authorized to execute surety bonds in this state pursuant to Chapter 3929. of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 04-16-1993