Any retail seller who, in any retail installment contract, has agreed to purchase insurance for the retail buyer and to extend credit for the price thereof, shall, prior to the due date of the first installment of the retail installment contract, deliver to the retail buyer personally, or mail or cause to be mailed to him at his address as shown on the retail installment contract, the policy of insurance, or in lieu thereof a certificate of insurance, or the retail buyer is not liable on his retail installment contract until the policy, or certificate of insurance, is received, or full refund is made of the insurance premium.
If the premium for insurance of like kind and amount, as fixed in the published manual of a recognized standard rating bureau designated by the retail seller, is less than the amount charged the retail buyer as fixed in the written instrument in compliance with division (D) of section 1317.04 of the Revised Code, the retail buyer may deduct an amount equal to three times the difference from the amount owed the retail seller, or his successor in interest. Sections 1317.01 to 1317.11, inclusive, of the Revised Code do not impair the authority of the superintendent of insurance to grant, renew, or revoke licenses, nor do said sections authorize anyone other than a licensee of the division of insurance to directly or indirectly receive any part of the amount charged for insurance in connection with any retail installment sale.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953