After a wholesale or retail cigarette license has been suspended or revoked, the tax commissioner shall forthwith send by registered mail a certified copy of the order of suspension or revocation to the licensee, addressed to the licensee at the premise or premises stated in such license. The licensee, upon receiving such notice of suspension or revocation, shall forthwith surrender the license to the county auditor of the county in which the license was issued.
A certified copy of the order suspending or revoking said license shall also be transmitted forthwith by the tax commissioner to the county auditor who shall make written demand upon the licensee to surrender his cigarette license to the county auditor, and upon receipt of such written demand the licensee shall immediately surrender the license to the county auditor. Upon the receipt of the order of the tax commissioner and the mailing by the auditor of the written demand made upon the licensee to surrender the license, the licensee shall be deemed to be engaged in the wholesale or retail business of trafficking in cigarettes without a license therefore as required by section 5743.14 of the Revised Code and shall be subject to the provisions of section 5743.19 and division (A) of section 5743.99 of the Revised Code.
In the event that the license is suspended the county auditor shall retain the license in his possession until the termination of the period of suspension when the license shall forthwith be returned to the licensee. During the period of suspension the county auditor shall not issue a new license to the licensee and any license issued to the licensee during said period shall be void.
No license shall be issued by the county auditor to a person, whose license has been revoked by the tax commissioner, for a period of one year following such revocation and such person shall not be eligible to apply for a new license for a period of one year following the order of revocation.
Effective Date: 10-02-1953