Any garment, clothing, wearing apparel, or household goods that remain for one hundred twenty days or more in the possession of a person and on which cleaning, pressing, glazing, or washing has been done, alterations or repairs have been made, or materials or supplies have been used or furnished may be sold by that person to pay the reasonable or agreed charges for the services or labor and the costs of notifying the owner of the garment, clothing, wearing apparel, or household goods as described in this section and in section 1333.24 of the Revised Code or may be given away or otherwise disposed of by that person. The person to whom the charges are owed shall notify the owner of the garment, clothing, wearing apparel, or household goods of the time and place of the proposed sale or other disposition of it in accordance with section 1333.24 of the Revised Code, except that, if the garment, clothing, wearing apparel, or household goods remain for one hundred eighty days or more in the possession of the person, the person may sell them, give them away, or otherwise dispose of them without giving prior notice pursuant to that section. This section does not apply to property that is to be placed in storage after the performance of any of the services or labor described in this section.
Effective Date: 07-22-1994