Except for division (H) of section 1334.03 and section 1334.04 of the Revised Code, sections 1334.01 to 1334.15 of the Revised Code do not apply to:
(A) Any transaction that fully complies with the trade regulation rule of the federal trade commission, “disclosure requirements and prohibitions concerning franchising and business opportunity ventures,” 16 C.F.R. 436.1 et seq.;
(B) Any transaction in which the prospective purchaser, at least ten business days before the execution of an agreement selling or leasing a business opportunity plan, receives a document containing truthful, accurate, and complete disclosures that fully complies with the requirements of the “uniform franchise offering circular” adopted by the midwest securities commissioners association on September 2, 1975, and the “guidelines for preparation of the uniform franchise offering circular and related documents” adopted by the association on July 20, 1977.
Effective Date: 10-25-1979