Whenever any person submits an application under section 1501.33 of the Revised Code to withdraw water from the Lake Erie drainage basin that would result in a new or increased consumptive use totaling more than five million gallons per day or whenever a major utility facility subject to regulation under Chapter 4906. of the Revised Code proposes to make such a withdrawal, the director of natural resources shall notify the governors and premiers of the other great lakes states and provinces, the appropriate water management agencies of those states and provinces, and, when appropriate, the international joint commission and shall solicit their comments and concerns regarding the application. In the event of an objection to the proposed consumptive use, the director shall consult with the affected great lakes states and provinces to consider the issues involved and seek mutually agreeable recommendations. Before rendering a decision on the permit application, the director shall consider the concerns, comments, and recommendations of the other great lakes states and provinces and the international joint commission.
Effective Date: 06-29-1988