The Ohio agricultural research and development center shall carefully inquire into the character and extent of the forests of the state, the causes of their waste and decay, and methods for their preservation and development. It shall conduct investigations in the several sections of the state, determine the species of valuable trees best suited to grow on the various kinds of soil, and ascertain the best methods and cost of the propagation, planting, and cultivation of wood lots and plantations. It shall determine the average rate of growth of the various species of trees and the relative values of different kinds of timber for domestic and commercial purposes, and conduct experiments for the purpose of increasing durability of the various kinds of wood. It shall determine the kind of trees and shrubs best suited to different localities for windbreaks and shelter, and for beautifying grounds, and shall ascertain the best methods of planting and managing such trees, shrubs, and grounds.
Effective Date: 03-16-1982