The chief of the division of forestry may establish and put into effect a system for aerial or ground detection and observation of forest fires which shall cover the regions determined by the chief to be subject to forest fires, purchase the necessary equipment and material, and hire the necessary labor for the installation and maintenance of the system.
The chief may enter into agreements or contracts with firefighting agencies and private fire companies for the purpose of providing mutual aid and assistance in the protection of forests from forest fires. The agreements or contracts may provide for at least technical assistance, assistance in training personnel, and fire suppression assistance and such other forms of aid as may be available and appropriate.
The chief, with the approval of the director of natural resources, may transfer title to or ownership of vehicles, equipment, materials, and supplies that are determined to be in excess of the needs of the department of natural resources and the division to a firefighting agency or private fire company for the purpose of accomplishing fire suppression.
As used in this section, “firefighting agency” and “private fire company” have the same meanings as in section 9.60 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 10-08-1992