The governor, ex officio, shall serve as this state’s administrator of the great lakes-st. Lawrence river basin water resources compact. The governor shall appoint the director of natural resources as the governor’s alternate for purposes of attending all meetings of the great lakes-st. Lawrence river basin water resources council and voting on matters before the council in the governor’s absence.
The governor shall do all of the following as administrator:
(A) Receive copies of all agreements that are entered into pursuant to the compact by this state or its political subdivisions and other states or their political subdivisions;
(B) Consult with, advise, and aid this state, other states, and political subdivisions in the formulation of such agreements;
(C) Make any recommendations to the general assembly, legislatures of other states, governmental agencies, and political subdivisions that the governor considers desirable in order to effectuate the purposes of the compact;
(D) Consult with and cooperate with the compact administrators of other states that are parties to the compact.
Effective Date: 2008 HB416 12-08-2008