If the defendant in a prosecution or condemnation proceeding under a division rule or this chapter or Chapter 1533. of the Revised Code is convicted, judgment shall be rendered against him for costs in addition to the fine imposed or forfeiture declared. The judgment shall be the first lien upon the property of the person convicted, and no exemption shall be claimed or allowed against that lien. If he fails to pay the fine and costs imposed or if execution issued is returned unsatisfied, the person convicted shall be committed to the county jail or to a workhouse and there confined one day for the amount of the fine adjudged against him, determined as provided in section 2747.14 of the Revised Code. The person convicted shall not be discharged or paroled therefrom by any board or officer except upon payment of the fine remaining unpaid or upon written permission of the chief of the division of wildlife.
Effective Date: 10-20-1994