The division of wildlife shall receive and collect a nominal sum for each tag or seal affixed to the carcasses of game birds, game quadrupeds, fur-bearing animals, and nonnative wildlife as provided in sections 1533.73, 1533.731, and 1533.74 of the Revised Code. Each tag or seal shall remain affixed until the carcass of the game bird, game quadruped, fur-bearing animal, or nonnative wildlife is finally prepared for consumption, and the sale of a portion of a game bird, game quadruped, fur-bearing animal, or nonnative wildlife that does not at the time have affixed thereto the tag or seal constitutes a violation of those sections. The keeper of a hotel, restaurant, or boarding house, a retail dealer in meat, or a club may sell a portion of a game bird, game quadruped, fur-bearing animal, or nonnative wildlife so tagged to a guest, customer, or member for consumption.
No person shall counterfeit a tag issued by the division in accordance with sections 1533.73, 1533.731, and 1533.74 of the Revised Code, and no tag issued by the division shall be affixed to the carcass of a game bird, game quadruped, fur-bearing animal, or nonnative wildlife not propagated or acquired in accordance with sections 1533.70 to 1533.80 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 10-20-1994