For the purpose of assisting in the development of recreational facilities throughout the state for public use, the Ohio parks and recreation council may:
(A) Advise with and recommend to the chief of the division of parks and recreation the development of broad park and recreation policies for the state and the formulation of a long range plan to implement them;
(B) Make a continuing appraisal of the total state park and recreation needs and adequacy of current efforts to meet them, including the planning, programming, and financing thereof;
(C) Advise with and recommend to the chief the co-ordination of related park and recreation programs administered by all units of government and by private enterprise;
(D) Advise with and recommend to the chief policies and programs for the division of parks and recreation, including the acquisition of lands for parks and recreational development, and the development of the criteria therefor;
(E) Advise with and recommend to the chief the standards and criteria to be established as a basis for extending financial assistance to local subdivisions of the state for the acquisition of recreational lands and facilities;
(F) Advise with and recommend the encouragement of private park and recreational development;
(G) Have access to all information, statistics, plans, and data which any governmental agency within the state has available and which the council deems pertinent in reviewing plans and programs for the development of parks and recreational facilities.
Effective Date: 03-18-1969