(A) As used in this chapter, “electronic” and “watercraft” have the same meanings as in section 1547.01 of the Revised Code.
(B) This chapter does not apply to any of the following:
(1) A watercraft covered by a marine document in effect that has been assigned to it by the United States government pursuant to federal law;
(2) A watercraft from a country other than the United States temporarily using the waters in this state;
(3) A watercraft whose owner is the United States, a state, or a political subdivision of a state;
(4) A ship’s lifeboat. As used in division (B)(4) of this section, “lifeboat” means a watercraft that is held aboard another vessel and used exclusively for emergency purposes.
(5) A canoe;
(6) A watercraft less than fourteen feet in length without a permanently affixed mechanical means of propulsion;
(7) A watercraft less than fourteen feet in length with a permanently fixed mechanical means of propulsion of less than ten horsepower as determined by the manufacturer’s rating;
(8) Outboard motors of less than ten horsepower as determined by the manufacturer’s rating.
(C) The various certificates, applications, and assignments necessary to provide certificates of title for watercraft and outboard motors shall be made on appropriate forms approved by the chief of the division of watercraft.
Effective Date: 10-31-2001