The owner of a watercraft or outboard motor shall apply for a certificate of title for the watercraft or outboard motor when required by this chapter, but, except as otherwise specifically required in this chapter, the owner may elect whether or not to have the clerk of the court of common pleas to whom the certificate of title application is submitted issue a physical certificate of title for the watercraft or outboard motor, as provided in section 1548.09 of the Revised Code.
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, any provision of this chapter relating to the cancellation, issuance, or surrender of a certificate of title, including, but not limited to, provisions that contain a phrase such as “when a certificate of title is issued,” “the clerk shall issue a certificate of title,” or “the person shall obtain a certificate of title to the watercraft or outboard motor,” or another phrase of similar import, shall include those circumstances when a clerk enters certificate of title information into the automated title processing system, but does not take any further action relating to a physical certificate of title for the watercraft or outboard motor.
Effective Date: 10-31-2001