The chief of the division of watercraft, upon the application of any person and payment of the proper fees, may prepare and furnish title information in such form and subject to such territorial division or other classification as he may direct. The chief may search the records of the division of watercraft and make reports thereof, and make photographic copies of the division records and attestations thereof.
Fees therefor shall be charged and collected as follows:
(A) For searches of the records and reports thereof, two dollars for each name, number, or fact reported on;
(B) For photographic copies of records and attestations thereof, under the signature of the chief, two dollars per copy.
Such copies shall be taken as prima-facie evidence of the facts therein stated in any court of the state. The chief and the clerk of the court of common pleas shall furnish information on any title without charge to state highway patrol troopers, sheriffs, or chiefs of police.
Fees collected as provided in this section shall be received by the chief.
Effective Date: 08-08-1991