No person shall do any of the following:
(A) Operate in this state a watercraft for which a certificate of title is required or a watercraft powered by an outboard motor for which a certificate of title is required without having the certificate, or a valid temporary permit and number, in accordance with this chapter or, if a physical certificate of title has not been issued for it, operate the watercraft or outboard motor in this state knowing that the ownership information relating to the watercraft or outboard motor has not been entered into the automated title processing system by a clerk of a court of common pleas;
(B) Operate in this state a watercraft for which a certificate of title is required or a watercraft powered by an outboard motor for which a certificate of title is required upon which the certificate of title has been canceled;
(C) Fail to surrender any certificate of title upon cancellation of it by the chief of the division of watercraft and notice of the cancellation as prescribed in this chapter;
(D) Fail to surrender the certificate of title to a clerk of a court of common pleas as provided in this chapter, in case of the destruction or dismantling or change of a watercraft or outboard motor in such respect that it is not the watercraft or outboard motor described in the certificate of title;
(E) Violate any provision of this chapter for which no penalty is otherwise provided, or any lawful rules adopted pursuant to this chapter;
(F) Operate in this state a watercraft or outboard motor knowing that the certificate of title to or ownership of the watercraft or outboard motor as otherwise reflected in the automated title processing system has been canceled.
Effective Date: 10-31-2001