For purposes of this chapter, Chapters 1563., 1565., and 1567., and sections 1514.40 to 1514.50 of the Revised Code, there is hereby created in the state treasury the mine safety fund. The fund shall consist of money transferred to it by the administrator of workers’ compensation from the coal-workers pneumoconiosis fund established in section 4131.03 of the Revised Code. All investment earnings of the mine safety fund shall be credited to the fund. The chief of the division of mineral resources management shall use money in the fund for all of the following purposes:
(A) Mine safety and health inspections and audits;
(B) The purchase and maintenance of mine rescue and inspection equipment;
(C) The purchase or lease of facilities for use as mine rescue stations and for mine rescue and safety training;
(D) Mine rescue and safety and health training of miners;
(E) Certification and recertification of mine officials.
Effective Date: 2008 SB323 06-11-2008