Each operator shall carry out on a continuing basis a program to improve the roof control system of each coal mine and the means and measures to accomplish such system. The roof and ribs of all active underground roadways, travelways, and working places shall be supported or otherwise controlled adequately to protect persons from falls of the roof or ribs. A roof control plan and revisions thereof suitable to the roof conditions and mining system of each coal mine and approved by the chief of the division of mineral resources management shall be adopted and set out in printed form on or before January 1, 1977. The plan shall show the type of support and spacing approved by the chief. Such plan shall be reviewed periodically, at least every six months by the chief, taking into consideration any falls of roof or ribs or inadequacy of support of roof or ribs. No person may proceed beyond the last permanent support unless adequate temporary support is provided or unless such temporary support is not required under the approved roof control plan and the absence of such support will not pose a hazard to the miners. A copy of the plan shall be furnished to the chief or the chief’s authorized representative and shall be available to the miners and their representatives.
No person shall refuse or neglect to comply with this section.
Effective Date: 06-14-2000