The operator of a mine shall give notice to the chief of the division of mineral resources management when:
(A) A change occurs in the name of a mine, in the name of the operator thereof, or in the officers of an incorporated company owning or operating such mine;
(B) Work is commenced opening a new shaft, slope, or mine;
(C) A mine is abandoned, or the working thereof is discontinued;
(D) The working of a mine is commenced, after an abandonment or discontinuance thereof for a period of more than three months;
(E) The pillars of a mine are about to be removed or robbed;
(F) A squeeze, crush, or fire occurs, or a dangerous body of gas is found, or any cause or change occurs that may seem to affect the safety of persons employed therein.
No operator of a mine shall refuse or neglect to comply with this section.
Effective Date: 06-14-2000