The mine foreperson shall each day enter plainly or have entered in ink, in a book provided for that purpose, a report of the condition of the mine, which report shall clearly state any danger that such mine foreperson has observed during the day, or any danger reported to the mine foreperson by the mine foreperson’s assistants, the fire bosses, or the shot firers when employed. The report shall also state whether or not there is a proper supply of material on hand for the safe working of the mine, and whether or not the requirements of the law are complied with. The mine foreperson shall also, once each week, enter plainly or have entered in ink, in the book, a true report of all air measurements required by this chapter and Chapters 1561., 1563., and 1565. of the Revised Code, designating the place, the area of each break-through and entry separately, the velocity of the air in each break-through and entry, and the number of workers employed in each separate split of air, with the date when the measurements were taken. The book shall be kept in the mine office at the mine, for examination by the deputy mine inspector, and by any person working in the mine, in the presence of the mine foreperson. The mine foreperson shall each day personally sign and certify to all facts entered and recorded in such book.
The mine foreperson shall each day read carefully and personally sign in ink, and certify to such facts, all reports entered in the record book of the fire bosses.
The record books shall be prescribed and supplied by the division of mineral resources management and purchased by the operator.
No person shall refuse or neglect to comply with this section.
Effective Date: 06-14-2000