The mine foreperson shall see that careful watch is kept over the ventilating apparatus and airways, and that the volume of the ventilating current is measured at least once each week at the inlet and outlet, at or near the face of all entries, and at that point in the mine where distribution to the various working sections begins. Such measurements shall be noted in duplicate on blanks furnished by the division of mineral resources management. On the first day of each month, the mine foreperson shall forward such blanks with the mine foreperson’s signature thereon to the deputy mine inspector in the district in which the mine is located, and such blanks shall be properly filled in with the actual measurements so taken as prescribed in this section. On all examinations that the mine foreperson makes of the old workings, the mine foreperson shall mark on a conspicuous place with chalk the mine foreperson’s initials and the date of the month of such examination.
No person shall refuse or neglect to comply with this section.
Effective Date: 06-14-2000