The officers of an incorporated board of trade, chamber of commerce, merchants’ exchange, or other kindred association shall consist of a president, two vice-presidents, a treasurer, and a secretary, all of whom shall be members of the association and be engaged in business at, or residents of, the municipal corporation in which it is established. They shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting of the association, and hold office for one year, unless, by its bylaws, the association provides a longer term for any of such officers, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The officers thus elected, together with such number of members of the association as is fixed by the bylaws, all of whom shall be elected at the time, in the manner, and for the terms stated in this section, shall constitute the board of directors of the association. The association may provide by its bylaws for the election of not less than five directors, and authorize them to elect a president, two vice-presidents, a treasurer, and a secretary, and such additional members as directors as are provided in the bylaws. The officers thus elected, together with the directors, shall constitute the board of directors of such association. All other officers, agents, or committees deemed necessary for the interests of the association shall be elected or appointed in such manner and with such powers as are provided by the bylaws. In like manner the association may provide for the trial, suspension, fine, or expulsion of any of its members by the board of directors. Such association may make provision for the relief and support of the families and dependents of deceased members.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953