(A)(1) This section applies to both of the following:
(a) A health insuring corporation that issues or requires the use of a standardized identification card or an electronic technology for submission and routing of prescription drug claims pursuant to a policy, contract, or agreement for health care services;
(b) A person or entity that a health insuring corporation contracts with to issue a standardized identification card or an electronic technology described in division (A)(1)(a) of this section.
(2) Notwithstanding division (A)(1) of this section, this section does not apply to the issuance or required use of a standardized identification card or an electronic technology for submission and routing of prescription drug claims in connection with any of the following:
(a) Coverage provided under the medicare advantage program operated pursuant to Part C of Title XVIII of the “Social Security Act,” 49 Stat. 62 (1935), 42 U.S.C. 301, as amended.
(b) Coverage provided under medicaid.
(c) Coverage provided under the children’s buy-in program.
(d) Coverage provided under an employer’s self-insurance plan or by any of its administrators, as defined in section 3959.01 of the Revised Code, to the extent that federal law supersedes, preempts, prohibits, or otherwise precludes the application of this section to the plan and its administrators.
(B) A standardized identification card or an electronic technology issued or required to be used as provided in division (A)(1) of this section shall contain uniform prescription drug information in accordance with either division (B)(1) or (2) of this section.
(1) The standardized identification card or the electronic technology shall be in a format and contain information fields approved by the national council for prescription drug programs or a successor organization, as specified in the council’s or successor organization’s pharmacy identification card implementation guide in effect on the first day of October most immediately preceding the issuance or required use of the standardized identification card or the electronic technology.
(2) If the health insuring corporation or the person under contract with the corporation to issue a standardized identification card or an electronic technology requires the information for the submission and routing of a claim, the standardized identification card or the electronic technology shall contain any of the following information:
(a) The health insuring corporation’s name;
(b) The subscriber’s name, group number, and identification number;
(c) A telephone number to inquire about pharmacy-related issues;
(d) The issuer’s international identification number, labeled as “ANSI BIN” or “RxBIN”;
(e) The processor’s control number, labeled as “RxPCN”;
(f) The subscriber’s pharmacy benefits group number if different from the subscriber’s medical group number, labeled as “RxGrp.”
(C) If the standardized identification card or the electronic technology issued or required to be used as provided in division (A)(1) of this section is also used for submission and routing of nonpharmacy claims, the designation “Rx” is required to be included as part of the labels identified in divisions (B)(2)(d) and (e) of this section if the issuer’s international identification number or the processor’s control number is different for medical and pharmacy claims.
(D) Each health insuring corporation described in division (A) of this section shall annually file a certificate with the superintendent of insurance certifying that it or any person it contracts with to issue a standardized identification card or electronic technology for submission and routing of prescription drug claims complies with this section.
(E)(1) Except as provided in division (E)(2) of this section, if there is a change in the information contained in the standardized identification card or the electronic technology issued to a subscriber, the health insuring corporation or person under contract with the corporation to issue a standardized identification card or an electronic technology shall issue a new card or electronic technology to the subscriber.
(2) A health insuring corporation or person under contract with the corporation is not required under division (E)(1) of this section to issue a new card or electronic technology to a subscriber more than once during a twelve-month period.
(F) Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring a health insuring corporation to produce more than one standardized identification card or one electronic technology for use by subscribers accessing health care benefits provided under a policy, contract, or agreement for health care services.
Effective Date: 10-13-2005; 2008 HB562 09-22-2008