(A) After dissolution, a partner who has not wrongfully dissociated may file a statement of dissolution stating the name of the partnership and that the partnership has dissolved and is winding up its business.
(B) A statement of dissolution cancels a filed statement of partnership authority for the purposes of division (D) of section 1776.33 of the Revised Code and is a limitation on such authority for the purposes of division (E) section 1776.33 of the Revised Code.
(C) For the purposes of sections 1776.31 and 1776.64 of the Revised Code, a person not a partner is deemed to have notice of the dissolution and the limitation on the partners’ authority as a result of the statement of dissolution ninety days after it is filed.
(D) After filing and recording any appropriate statement of dissolution, a dissolved partnership may file, and as appropriate, record a statement of partnership authority that will operate with respect to a person not a partner as provided in divisions (D) and (E) of section 1776.33 of the Revised Code in any transaction, whether or not the transaction is appropriate for winding up the partnership business.
Effective Date: 2008 HB332 08-06-2008