(A) As used in this section, “relative” means an individual who is related to a testator by consanguinity and an heir at law designated pursuant to section 2105.15 of the Revised Code.
(B) Unless a contrary intention is manifested in the will, if a devise of real property or a bequest of personal property is made to a relative of a testator and the relative was dead at the time the will was made or dies after that time, leaving issue surviving the testator, those issue shall take by representation the devised or bequeathed property as the devisee or legatee would have done if he had survived the testator. If the testator devised or bequeathed a residuary estate or the entire estate after debts, other general or specific devises and bequests, or an interest less than a fee or absolute ownership to that devisee or legatee and relatives of the testator and if that devisee or legatee leaves no issue, the estate devised or bequeathed shall vest in the other devisees or legatees surviving the testator in such proportions as the testamentary share of each devisee or legatee in the devised or bequeathed property bears to the total of the shares of all of the surviving devisees or legatees, unless a different disposition is made or required by the will.
Effective Date: 10-08-1992