The probate court at any time may accept the resignation of any fiduciary upon the fiduciary’s proper accounting, if the fiduciary was appointed by, is under the control of, or is accountable to the court.
If a fiduciary fails to make and file an inventory as required by sections 2109.58, 2111.14, and 2115.02 of the Revised Code or to render a just and true account of the fiduciary’s administration at the times required by section 2109.301, 2109.302, or 2109.303 of the Revised Code, and if the failure continues for thirty days after the fiduciary has been notified by the court of the expiration of the relevant time, the fiduciary forthwith may be removed by the court and shall receive no allowance for the fiduciary’s services unless the court enters upon its journal its findings that the delay was necessary and reasonable.
The court may remove any fiduciary, after giving the fiduciary not less than ten days’ notice, for habitual drunkenness, neglect of duty, incompetency, or fraudulent conduct, because the interest of the property, testamentary trust, or estate that the fiduciary is responsible for administering demands it, or for any other cause authorized by law.
The court may remove a testamentary trustee upon the written application of more than one-half of the persons having an interest in the estate controlled by the testamentary trustee, but the testamentary trustee is not to be considered as a person having an interest in the estate under the proceedings; except that no testamentary trustee appointed under a will shall be removed upon such written application unless for a good cause.
Effective Date: 10-31-2001; 01-01-2007