When a ward for whom a guardian has been appointed in this state removes to another state or territory, and a guardian of the ward is there appointed, the guardian in this state may be removed and required to settle his account.
Such a removal shall not be made unless the guardian appointed in another state or territory applies to the probate court in this state that made the former appointment, and files an exemplification from the record of the court making the foreign appointment containing all the entries and proceedings relating to his appointment, his giving bond, with a copy thereof, and of the letters of guardianship, all authenticated as required by the act of congress. Before such an application is heard or action taken by the court, at least thirty days’ written notice shall be served on the guardian appointed in this state specifying the object of the application, and the time it is to be heard.
No such removal shall be made in favor of a foreign guardian, unless at the time of the hearing the state or territory in which he was appointed has a similar provision as to wards removing from that state or territory. The court shall grant the application unless it makes an affirmative finding that the removal of the guardian appointed in this state would not be in the interest of the ward.
If on such a hearing the court removes the guardian, it shall make all suitable orders for discharging the guardian and shall deliver to the foreign guardian all moneys and other property in the hands of the resident guardian after his settlement.
Effective Date: 01-01-1976