When a guardian has been appointed for a minor before such minor is over fourteen years of age, such guardian’s power shall continue until the ward arrives at the age of majority, unless removed for good cause or unless such ward selects another suitable guardian. After such selection is made and approved by the probate court and the person selected is appointed and qualified, the powers of the former guardian shall cease. Thereupon his final account as guardian shall be filed and settled in court.
Upon the termination of a guardianship of the person, estate, or both of a minor before such minor reaches eighteen years of age, if a successor guardian is not appointed and if the court finds that such minor is without proper care, the court shall certify a copy of its finding together with as much of the record and such further information as the court deems necessary, or as the juvenile court may request, to the juvenile court for further proceedings and thereupon such court shall have exclusive jurisdiction respecting such child.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953