If the ward for whom a guardian has been appointed removes to another county within this state and acquires a new residence or legal settlement therein, the probate court having jurisdiction over the guardian and the ward, may, on its own motion, or on motion of the guardian or any interested party, with the consent of the probate court of the county to which such ward has removed, transfer the jurisdiction over said guardian and ward to such probate court, provided it appears that such transfer would be in the best interest of the ward.
Thereupon, the original probate court shall prepare certified copies of the appointment, letters of guardianship, bond, inventory, the last account, if any, a full and complete transcript of its docket and journal entries up to and including the order of transfer and copies of such other papers as may be requested by the receiving court, and shall cause the same to be filed in the probate court accepting jurisdiction, all costs to be paid by the guardian out of the assets of the estate of the ward.
Upon the filing of the certified copies of the original papers and the transcript, and the payment of costs, the probate court to which the proceedings have been transferred may assign a case number and by journal entry, accept jurisdiction. A copy of the entry accepting jurisdiction shall be returned to the court of original jurisdiction. Thereupon, the probate court to which the proceedings have been transferred shall acquire jurisdiction over the guardian and the ward as though such probate court had jurisdiction and appointed the guardian in the first instance, and the jurisdiction of the probate court from which the proceedings have been transferred shall cease.
Effective Date: 10-05-1961