After vacation of the decree of the presumption of death has been established, as provided by section 2121.08 of the Revised Code, the person erroneously presumed to be dead may, on motion filed of record stating the facts, be substituted as plaintiff or petitioner in all actions or proceedings brought by the executor or administrator, whether prosecuted to judgment or decree or otherwise. Such person may, in all actions or proceedings previously brought against the executor or administrator, be substituted as defendant or respondent, on motion filed by him or on his behalf, but shall not be compelled to go to trial in less than three months from the time of filing of such motion. Judgments or decrees recovered against the executor or administrator, before the vacation of the decree, may be opened on application made by the person erroneously presumed to be dead within three months after the vacating of the decree, provided it is supported by an affidavit alleging the existence of facts which would be a valid defense. If the application is not made within the three months or is made but the supporting alleged facts are adjudged an insufficient defense, the judgment or decree is conclusive to all intents, saving the defendant’s right to review as in other cases on appeal.
Effective Date: 09-30-1974