(A) The department of health, by rule adopted pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt a standardized method of procedure for the withholding of CPR by physicians, emergency medical services personnel, and health care facilities in accordance with sections 2133.21 to 2133.26 of the Revised Code. The standardized method shall specify criteria for determining when a do-not-resuscitate order issued by a physician is current. The standardized method so adopted shall be the “do-not-resuscitate protocol” for purposes of sections 2133.21 to 2133.26 of the Revised Code. The department also shall approve one or more standard forms of DNR identification to be used throughout this state.
(B) The department of health shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code for the administration of sections 2133.21 to 2133.26 of the Revised Code.
(C) The department of health shall appoint an advisory committee to advise the department in the development of rules under this section. The advisory committee shall include, but shall not be limited to, representatives of each of the following organizations:
(1) The association for hospitals and health systems (OHA);
(2) The Ohio state medical association;
(3) The Ohio chapter of the American college of emergency physicians;
(4) The Ohio hospice organization;
(5) The Ohio council for home care;
(6) The Ohio health care association;
(7) The Ohio ambulance association;
(8) The Ohio medical directors association;
(9) The Ohio association of emergency medical services;
(10) The bioethics network of Ohio;
(11) The Ohio nurses association;
(12) The Ohio academy of nursing homes;
(13) The Ohio association of professional firefighters;
(14) The department of developmental disabilities;
(15) The Ohio osteopathic association;
(16) The association of Ohio philanthropic homes, housing and services for the aging;
(17) The catholic conference of Ohio;
(18) The department of aging;
(19) The department of mental health;
(20) The Ohio private residential association;
(21) The northern Ohio fire fighters association.
Amended by 128th General Assembly ch. 7, SB 79, § 1, eff. 10/6/2009.
Effective Date: 07-09-1998