The supreme court may appoint the clerk of the supreme court, the reporter of the supreme court, the administrative director of the supreme court, the law librarian of the court, the marshal of the court, the administrative assistant to the chief justice, and assistants, deputies, clerks, stenographers, and other employees who are necessary for the prompt and efficient discharge of the duties of the offices of the clerk, the reporter, the administrative director, the law librarian, the marshal, and the administrative assistant. All such appointees shall serve at the pleasure of the court.
The supreme court shall fix the compensation to be paid the clerk, the reporter, the administrative director, the law librarian, the marshal, the administrative assistant, and all assistants, deputies, clerks, stenographers, and other employees, which compensation shall be paid from the state treasury in bi-weekly installments upon the approval of the court administrative director. Every appropriation authorized by the general assembly for the payment of such compensation may be distributed and paid among these appointees as the court may direct.
Effective Date: 04-04-1985